Category Archives: Traumatic Brain Injury

Music Helps Brain Injury Patients Find Their Voice

22 May 2015

Pianist and guitarist Tom Sweitzer will perform a free concert on May 24 to thank his hometown of Altoona for supporting his early education, which he said, has led him to a successful career in music therapy.

Family of Ex-Football Player Who Suffered Brain Injury Plans Coast-to-Coast Bike Ride

14 May 2015

Isaac Kolstad, the former Minnesota State football who suffered a traumatic brain injury after being punched in a nightclub district, has made big strides thanks to intensive physical therapy. Now his father and brother are launching a cross-country bike tour to raise money to help others who need the same therapy.

Traumatic Brain Injury: The Silent Epidemic

30 Mar 2015

Editors’ Note: Landin Murphy, 20, of Williamsville, suffered a traumatic brain injury during a basketball game in his freshman year of high school in December 2008.

How Tomorrow’s Algorithms Will Help Treat PTSD

26 Mar 2015

Let’s say a 33-year-old woman is admitted to an emergency room after being in a car accident. The accident was violent and scary, but other than a mild concussion and some bruises and lacerations, she appears to be okay, physically. But once she’s been examined and bandaged, once her vital signs have been confirmed to sit in the normal ranges, another, trickier question pops up: Is she likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder?

Here’s where current medical science falters a little bit. Sure, once PTSD symptoms manifest themselves, researchers have some ideas about how to treat them — assuming the patient has access to solid care, of course. But those same researchers are a lot less far along in their quest to predict who is most likely to develop the disorder in the first place — a task made much more difficult by the lack of understanding about why some people bounce back psychologically from trauma so much more easily than others. If researchers had clearer diagnostic procedures for PTSD risk, it would help alleviate a lot of suffering by quickly directing resources to those most at risk, particularly in big populations like returning soldiers.

Before Riding Without a Helmet, Know What a Brain Injury Is Like

12 Mar 2015

There are reasons why some people don’t want to wear bike helmets. But none of them makes sense to me. If you really want to make an educated decision about whether or not to wear a helmet, then first you should know what it’s like to live with a traumatic brain injury.

Traumatic Brain Injury Turns Texas Attorney Into Artist

27 Feb 2015

It was a tragedy with a miraculous twist. A hotshot Texas attorney was transformed into an accomplished artist after suffering brain damage when a camera boom fell onto his head.